Hello, this is my first blog post.

Today I'll talk about my os since I don't have really any imagination about what to do so yeah.

For those who don't know there exists three kinds of os in the world, there is Linux and it's distros, the *BSD and its variants (like macOS) and then there is windows and its versions.

For me I'm currently running linux, and more specifically Garuda Linux I3wm. It is a distro based on arch, another popular Linux distro. it uses i3wm as its tiling windows manager and I think that it's great to use. I higly reccomend it for advanced users looking to get a new experience and willing to put time and effot to boost their productivity

Why did I choose all of this ? - Well there is multiple reasons. The first is that linux boosts my productivity, I can install a new desktop environment and all of favorite apps with one single line of code. I also prefer the overall customizeability of Linux. Then there's the fact that it runs better than windows, that it consumes less RAM and less CPU power at idle. I hardly ever go over 4 gb of ram usage on linux with multiple apps open while windows consumes 4 gigs of RAM on my pc at idle.

Then again there are more possibilities and customizeability on Linux, see how I talked about having i3wm as my desktop tiling windows manager. Well, if I wanted I could easily switch DE and take another one with one single command.

This sums up my OS blog as of right now